A-Z Index

Dr. Tiebing Shi

Dr. Tiebing Shi



2160 Colden Hall


660.562.1731 (fax)

Joined Northwest in 2010



  • Ph.D. Marketing; Queen’s University, Canada
    • Minor: Organizational Behavior
  • M.B.A. Marketing and Finance; Indiana University
  • B.Econ. International Trade; University of International Business & Economics, China
  • B.Eng. Industrial Design; Hunan University, China

Courses Taught

  • Advertising and Promotion
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Marketing Management
  • International Marketing
  • International Business
  • International Business (MBA)
  • Global Marketing Management (MBA)

Academic Interests

The social, cultural, and ethical dimensions of consumer behavior and marketing strategies.  Topics include business ethics, ethical consumption, consumer creativity and co-creation, product/service innovation, entrepreneurship, self/identity, corporate identity, brand management, international marketing, and cross-cultural consumer behavior.

Scholarly Activity

Referred Journal Articles

  • Shi, T., Tian, R., Tu, C., & Lim, C.L. (2022). Factors influencing responses to international brand alliances, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 40 (5), 656-670.
  • Shi, T., Yu, H., & Li, C.L. (2021). Consumer affinity and an extended view of the spillover effects of attitudes toward a cross-border-acquisition event, Journal of Brand Management, 28, 596–608.
  • Shi, T., Li, J., & Lim, C.L. (2017). Host country consumers’ brand attitudes after cross-border acquisitions, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 26 (6), 559-572.
  • Shi, T. (2017). How consumer entrepreneurs attain political legitimacy for their emerging industry: The case of the anti-fraudulence industry in China,” International Journal of Business Anthropology, 6 (2), 55-82.
  • Blackford, B., & Shi, T. (2014). The relationship between business simulations in capstone management courses and standardized test scores, International Journal of Management Education, 13, 84-94.
  • Shi, T. (2014). Mainstreaming, counter-co-optation, and depoliticization by a counterculture,” Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 8 (3), 107-119.

Conference Presentations

  • Shi, T. (2023). Tensions in co-constructing authenticity of a social media influencer, presented at the Nineth International Conference on Business Anthropology, Miami Shores, Florida, USA, May 27~28, 2023 (online conference).
  • Shi, T., Yu, H., & Lim, C.L. (2017). The effects of consumer affinity on host country consumers’ responses to cross-border acquisitions, presented at the 2017 JAMS Thought Leader Conference, Beijing, China, June 2-4, 2017.
  • Shi, T. (2017). The struggle for collective authenticity: A political-cultural perspective, presented at The Sixth International Conference on Business Anthropology,” Beijing, China, May 19-21, 2017.
  • Shi, T. (2015). How consumer entrepreneurs legitimize their activities and offerings in a nascent market which they create: The anti-fraudulence industry in China, 1994-2014. Presented at the Forth International Conference on Business Anthropology, May 2015, Tianjin, China.
  • Shi, T. (2014). Mainstreaming, counter-co-optation, and depoliticization by a counterculture: An investigation of the free/open-source software culture, 2014 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2004.
  • Shi, T., & Handelman, J. (2011). Understanding consumer creativity: Perspectives from the literature, presented at 2011 AMS/RMS World Marketing Congress, Reims, France, July 2011.
  • Shi, T., & Handelman, J. (2009). Consumer creativity and ideological conflicts: An investigation of the free/open-source software community, Advances in Consumer Research, Pittsburgh, PA., USA, October 2009.
  • Shi, T. (2006). The effect of the buyer’s reputation on the seller’s reputation: A network perspective, 2006 AMA Winter Educators' Conference Proceedings, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, February 2006.
  • Shi, T., & Handelman, J. (2005). You-can-do-it-we-can-help: Emancipation within the marketplace? Advances in Consumer Research, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 2005.


  • Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education (2017)
  • Dean’s Award for Teaching (2016)
  • Dean's Award for Research (2015)

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